Buehler, Elley
Serving in Taiwan | Acct # 400898
Through reading the Bible and praying earnestly with missions in mind, Elley has been increasingly convinced that God is calling her to explore long-term missions. “The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37). He has burdened her with a desire to go where Christ has not yet been named (Romans 15:20).
Elley will be serving in Taipei, Taiwan, for three months beginning in the fall of 2024, where only 6% of the nation professes to be Christian. She will assist MTW missionaries and do outreach/evangelism as well as focus on culture fluency and language acquisition.
She believes that fluency in culture and language is a necessity for the sake of gospel clarity. Sharing the gospel is a serious thing and should be done with the utmost care and precision. “That I may make it [the gospel] clear, which is how I ought to speak” (Colossians 4:4).
Join Elley in prayer as she seeks to clothe herself with humility by following in the path that Jesus Christ first blazed, as she asks the Spirit to work in her and give her a servant’s heart, and as she trusts in God the Father to provide all that she needs.
Finally, join her in praising the Lord for the privilege to serve and follow a victorious Savior. Christ’s victory is sure, one day all the nations shall come and worship before him! (Psalm 86:9-10)