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Teachers for International School

Chiba Japan 1–11 Months Asia - East

Come to Chiba and teach! Interns will serve alongside an MTW team to teach and assist staff at our international Christian school (grades 1-12). Interns serve using English. We'll try to place you according to your teaching interests, such as elementary studies, science, math, history, etc. There are also opportunities for music ministry, sports, drama, adult English classes, and after-school activities. You'll be helping our staff make natural connections with Japanese students and parents, and helping our school community grow together in grace and knowledge of God.

There are also opportunities to assist in our church planting and development work through worship leading, serving with the video and A/V team, youth ministry, outreach programs, and work projects.

This is a great opportunity to hone ministry skills, learn about Japanese culture, and build relationships that can lead to deepening faith and conversions. The full mentored internship runs from late August through early July, but shorter commitments may be possible. We prefer college graduates, but you don’t need prior teaching experience or an education degree. Ideal candidates are helpful, humble, and flexible.

Contact us to find out more!


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Elementary School Teachers for International School
1–11 Months