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Campus Ministry Internship

Australia Sydney 1–11 Months Australasia - Pacific Islands

Australia is rapidly becoming a post-Christian society, even to the point that it's considered "pre-Christian" by some. When our MTW Australia team director told his hairdresser that he’s a pastor, she asked him, “What are those people called who go to a church?” He answered, “Christians.” Of course, she knew the word but had no personal context for it. In addition, there is a vast and growing immigrant community in Sydney, hailing from many surrounding Asia-Pacific nations. Our team aims to make disciples among both native Australians and the multinational immigrant community, both in need of hearing the gospel.

Interns will primarily be involved with Student Outreach to the World, our campus ministry that serves students at five different universities in Sydney. You will work with students and student leaders, under the direction of SOW's Australian leadership. Interns will also serve our church plant, Harbour City Church, a multi-cultural church that seeks to ignite a church planting movement, reaching the city of Sydney with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Interns will receive mentoring and guidance from MTW missionaries weekly.

Come serve with our Sydney team for 1-11 months. This is similar to the summer internship opportunity, but with some flexibility in ministry options, depending on your gifts and passions and timeframe you wish to serve.



Church Planters in Western Australia
Church Planting Internship
1–11 Months
Pastoral Resident
1–11 Months
Missionary Residency Program
1–11 Months
Outreach and Ministry to Trafficked Women
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator
Indigenous Ministry Outreach
Join a Growing Team in Freiburg, Germany
Sydney Summer Intensive | June 9-23
Mission Trips
Lviv Greenhouse Intensive | June 16–July 14
Mission Trips