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Pastoral Interns

Chiba Japan 1–11 Months Asia - East

We are seeking pastoral interns to serve for 6-11 months in Chiba, Japan, a suburb of the Tokyo metropolitan area. 


Interns will serve a wide variety of roles, both in an established international/bilingual church and in preparatory activities for a future church plant. Opportunities can include worship leading, Bible studies, discipleship, children’s and youth ministries, teaching/preaching, and outreach. Japanese language ability is not necessary, though helpful. Opportunities will be given for language study as well as cultural exploration.


The ideal candidate will have completed some or all of their seminary studies and can use this experience to fulfill presbytery internship requirements as well as test a call to the mission field, but we are also open to pre-seminary candidates who desire to experience cross-cultural ministry and test a call to vocational ministry.


Interns will work with a team of missionaries and will be personally mentored by an experienced PCA pastor.


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