We invite seasoned teaching elders, people entering their second career, or others who are qualified based on their education or experience to serve as residents for 1 month up to 11 months.

Use your God-given gifts and hard-won knowledge to serve overseas. We invite seasoned teaching elders and people entering their second career to serve in missions for 1 month, up to 11 months.

How? Here are just some of the ways:

  • Disciple others

  • Teach

  • Mentor local leaders

  • Work as an assistant pastor

  • Take a sabbatical or study leave

  • And many more options

God has blessed the Reformed community in the U.S. with resources that global church leaders are imploring us to share. Would you prayerfully consider serving as a resident in a church overseas? Although a few specific opportunities are listed below, please know that the options are as unique as you are—our mobilization team will help you find a great fit with a team needing exactly your expertise!

This is an ideal opportunity to explore serving longer and seek the Lord’s guidance in serving in global missions longer term.



“American Christians and churches, please pray, send out missionaries into all the world, and come for yourself to the field.”
Tetsuya Dadachi, MTW National Partner, Japan


“We want missionaries who come and plant churches with us. Why? Because they have done it before. And we can learn from them and learn from each other because it is a different context.”
–Victor Nakah, MTW International Director, Africa


“American people learn from Mexican people and Mexican people learn from American people and they are working very well with us.”
Rafael Rodriguez de Leon, MTW National Partner, Mexico


“What I like to tell people who are approaching retirement is, ‘Don't retire, redeploy,’ Dick says. “Redeployment happens with an army when it's done fighting on one front and it moves to another front. All those gifts, all those experiences that God has given you and that you've used so well in the business world for many years, now take that, dedicate it and use it to the service of advancing the kingdom of Christ in places that you never dreamed of where there's so much need, so much opportunity.”
–Dick Senzig, second career missionary

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