Honduras is a beautiful country full of a vibrant and passionate people. However, though Christianity has been an influence in Honduras for a long time, the gospel message of grace has not been a part of that influence. The country is overwhelmed with churches preaching works and prosperity.

MTW’s team in Tegucigalpa is serving alongside Hondurans to establish and grow a national Presbyterian denomination to spread the Reformed message of grace throughout the country. The first church plant, Iglesia Presbiteriana Gracia Soberana, has grown by the Lord’s grace and mercy, and preparations are being made to plant more churches around the perimeter of the city.  As the Lord directs, more churches will be planted throughout Honduras to bring grace, love, peace and hope to everyday life here.


Cain, Adam & Michelle

The Cains strive to strengthen the local church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras so that it can better reach the needs of the community.

The Cains strive to strengthen the local church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras so that it can better reach the needs of the...

Clow, John & Kathy

John and Kathy Clow serve in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where they are working toward establishing and growing a national Presbyterian church in Honduras.

John and Kathy Clow serve in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, where they are working toward establishing and growing a national...

Halbert, Aaron & Rachel

The Halberts are working to plant churches that teach the transforming power of the gospel in the capital of Honduras, Tegucigalpa.

The Halberts are working to plant churches that teach the transforming power of the gospel in the capital of...

Halbert, Alex & Maggie

Alex and Maggie serve in Honduras as church planters and offering their hospitality as they invest in the lives of those around them.

Alex and Maggie serve in Honduras as church planters and offering their hospitality as they invest in the lives of...

Johnson, Josh & Elizabeth

Josh and Elizabeth are excited to serve in church planting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Josh and Elizabeth are excited to serve in church planting in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

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First a Lockdown, Then Two Hurricanes: Impact and Response in Honduras (VIDEO)

COVID lockdowns meant residents could not leave their homes for days at a time. Then two hurricanes devastated the already struggling area.


The Accidental Relief Program: COVID-19 in Honduras

In Honduras, the lockdown was total and immediate. MTW missionaries immediately thought of their neighbors who would need groceries—fast.


Changing the Atmosphere in Honduras: A Video

Missionaries to Honduras are changing the atmosphere and doing God's work to bring the dark country back into the light.


One Day on a Mission Trip to Honduras: A Video

Follow Janelle Honeycutt during one day of her mission trip to Honduras.


Pray that God would call pastors to serve at a Bible institute in Honduras, and elsewhere around the world. 

Pray for our ministries in Honduras, impacted by severe lockdowns followed by two hurricanes.

Pray for the team in Tegucigalpa, Honduras as they seek to plant gospel-driven, Reformed, self-sustainable churches that will multiply.