Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians

The Qualla Boundary is the name given to the home of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. God’s creative handiwork is on lavish display here every day, with foggy mornings giving evidence of why these mountains are called the Smoky Mountains.

Now a tourist stop as well as the home of the Cherokee, Qualla Boundary has seen churches declining in number, despite a long history of gospel presence. The Cherokee are a proud people with a rich history. However, they are being devastated by drug addiction and overdose. The MTW ministry in Cherokee longs to bring the freedom of the gospel to this community. They have established a gospel-centered church plant on the Qualla Boundary, where their vision is to reach the community through worship, fellowship, outreach, and discipleship. The team believes in the power of a personal relationship with Jesus to overcome bondage to drugs and bring true hope and freedom.


Hill, Scott & Ruth

God has called the Hills to the work of planting a Reformed church among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians on the Qualla Boundary.

God has called the Hills to the work of planting a Reformed church among the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians on the...

Smith, Tom & Mylicah

Tom and Mylicah plan to serve the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina.

Tom and Mylicah plan to serve the Eastern Band of the Cherokee Indians in Cherokee, North Carolina.

Serving Among the Cherokee

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Serving Among the Cherokee: A Video

Missionaries are working toward the goal of planting a PCA church among the Cherokee in North Carolina. Watch and see how God is at work.


Have We Become Cynical about Native American Missions?

When we think of Native America do we think of casinos, alcoholism, and government handouts? What if we expected great things instead?


God Answers the Native Cry

Native Americans studying at Mokahum Ministry Center are catching a vision for reaching their own.


Native Americans: Reached, Unreached, or Mis-reached?

Though Native America has been the target of missionaries, it would be a failure to check them off on our list of “reached” people.


Leading Youth with Humility

Church of the Redeemer in Monroe, N.C., invests in its youth and global missions through annual short-term mission trips.


Lost Son and the Jesus Clan

Sherry reached out to a friend from home who encouraged her to stay. “You never know how God is going to use you!”


Pray for the Cherokee people and our ministry alongside them.

Pray that we would not give into cynicism regarding ministry among Native Americans, and that God would give us a vision for the expansion of the Native American Church.

Pray that God will give churches a vision to invest in their youth by taking short-term mission trips. Pray that youth would grasp a heart for missions as a result.

Pray for short-term teams to Native American and First Nations tribes to be used of God and to build relationships with tribe members as they serve.

Native Pastors Gathering

Support the Native Pastors Gathering which will provide a retreat for local native pastors to rest, refresh, and get resources to better feed their flocks.

Native American and First Nations Ministries

Help us build a unified, well-equipped team to work with native peoples in this newly created region.