What God Is Doing in Mexico and Cuba (Audio)

By David Diaso, Mar 3, 2020
This seminar is the fifth and final in a series from MTW West Coast Equip missions training on the topic of "Launching Missions in Your Church." To listen to the full series of talks, visit our page on Soundcloud.

In Mexico 97% of Reformed churches are south of Mexico City. There are very few Reformed churches in northern Mexico so that is where MTW and the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico are working. In Baja California, Mexico, where Dave and his wife, Dawn, live and work, 11 churches are in various stages of church planting, and Mexican pastors are being trained and coached. 

Listen as Dave talks about some of the national pastors working with the ministry and their respective churches and communities, as well as how God is at work in Cuba and the role of Mexicans in church planting there. 

Watch the video of Mexican church-planting couple Victor and Sol, which Dave showed during his talk. 

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La Paz, Mexico | Summer Trips
Mission Trips
Acapulco, Mexico, Spring Break Trip
Mission Trips
Chihuahua, Mexico, Trip
Mission Trips

Bulwarks Against the Darkness: Church-Planting Partnerships in Northwest Mexico

In 2012 the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico set a goal to plant 10 churches in 10 years in 10 cities. They're on track to meet it.


Divine Appointment in Mexico City: A Changed Life

They'd just begun to eat their breakfast when they noticed a woman sitting at a table nearby, crying. They invited her to join them.


Short-term Missions in Mexico: A Life Changed

Are short-term trips effective? If you're doubtful, just ask Claudia.


Pray for the national pastors serving in Mexico and Cuba, many of whom are bi-vocational, and the work God is doing among them.

Pray for a woman in Mexico City who recently came to faith in the midst of a personal crisis. 

Last summer, Claudia came to faith through a summer trip. She has since been baptized. Pray for those who come to faith in Mexico as a result of short-term trips to plug into the church.

Pray for God's work among migrants and refugees on the U.S./Mexico border. 

Pray that God would use Native Americans and First Nations people to reach their own tribes with the gospel of Christ. 

Pray for the kids in Aquiles Serdan neighborhood of Reynosa, Mexico, and the outreach of Isaiah 55 ministry there.

Pray for Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and our church-planting work there. Pray for God to grow, expand, and deepen the churches and draw many to Himself.

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

Pray for those living in poverty in Guadalajara, Mexico, and for the gospel to bring life and hope to people there. 

Pray for the children at Casa Hogar in Acapulco, Mexico, to know the love of Christ and the hope of family.


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