Lindsey Seiver | Lampstand Images

Quechua Family Asks for Teaching from God’s Word

Jun 28, 2016

The six adults and three children gather around a rough wooden table in a home in Yurma, Peru; some stand while others sit on whatever is available—a sack full of grain, a rock, or a small overturned bucket—to listen as the missionary shares from God’s Word.

The missionary had learned of a family interested in hearing more from the Bible. He’d searched for them for some time, even going home to home. Providentially he met a young man walking in the road carrying alfalfa for his animals—and learned he was the family’s son!

The son introduced him to his wife and parents, who were thankful to be able to listen to the Word and discuss it in Quechua. They are eager to meet regularly and invite their neighbors and extended family. Both the family and the missionary hope this will lead to a Quechua church.

We’re thankful that God uses us to begin new churches. And we’re thankful for your prayers and support that enable our missionaries to continue in the work God has called them to do.


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Belize Summer Teams
Mission Trips
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The Well: Reach Out Broadly, Dive Deeply
Summer Internships

Discovering a Hidden Quechua Church

A 1960s radio ministry became the catalyst for a 200-church denomination.


My Prayer Journey to Cusco

Last year MTW's Hispanic RADD team took a vision trip to Peru and emerged with a renewed focus on the importance of prayer in missions.


Contextual Generosity: An MTW Missionary Team Navigates Giving in Peru

Wherever possible we invite nationals to serve nationals through the structures and ministries of the local church.


Pray for a Quechua family in Peru who are eager to invite others over to discuss the Bible. Pray that this group would develop into a church.

Pray for Radio Amauta and its efforts to help train leaders in the Quechua Church in the Andes Mountains of Peru.

Last year, a group of MTW RADD-Hispanic leaders went to Peru on a prayer journey vision trip. Pray for continued unity and mobilization efforts of our RADD Hispanic team!

Pray for the children and staff of The Josephine House in Cusco, Peru. The orphanage is currently home to 18 children, many with special needs. 

Pray for the success of a new laser surgery business as missions ministry in Cusco, Peru, giving sight to those who need it most.

Pray for the women, many of whom are not believers, who have started attending a women's Bible study in Arequipa, Peru.

Pray for church planting efforts in Cusco, Peru, where many know about Christ, but few know Him personally.

Each Friday afternoon, a group from the mission church in Arequipa, Peru, head to the parks to strike up gospel conversations. It's bearing fruit! Please pray for this outreach and for people to be drawn to Christ. 

Pray today for the Quechua in Peru, that God would draw them to Himself. Pray for the missionaries working with them and for relationships being built. 

Pray for our ministry in Cusco, Peru, as they put MTW values into action among the Quechua through the church, a medical clinic, discipling medical students, an orphanage, and community outreach.


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