Ebola Follow Up

By John Sexton, Apr 24, 2015

The American news is so fickle! We have heard virtually nothing about the Ebola epidemic in West Africa for many weeks. However, the epidemic still has been present there. The good news is the number of Ebola cases is decreasing.

In fact, there is a possible vaccine for it now, but it cannot be tested due to the decreasing numbers of cases. The bad news is that Ebola is now present in West Africa and will probably periodically crop up in the future. We are taking advantage of the interest in preventing Ebola to teach general health concepts in these countries.

Last March, Hugh Davis and I taught students from a West Africa seminary to be health teachers. I was also able to return in September and give them further training in Ebola prevention. In the U.S. in February I was able to meet with church leaders from the region. During these meetings, the leaders shared how the students trained in September have taught in a variety of settings. They have plans to do health and evangelism outreach to 25 towns. This will be a mixture of Ebola teaching, general health teaching, and evangelism. I will be joining them in the next few weeks as they reach out to five of these towns.

It is such a delight to see these churches have such a spiritual zeal and also a zeal for helping those they meet throughout their communities. In addition to the above projects, I was able to go to a "new" country and train their church planters to be health teachers. Their goal is to offer help to all throughout their country. They also would like to have a course on "Serving in the Community" which we have taught in a neighboring country. I am praying that another missionary living in this area will teach it with me, enabling more duplicating of ministry.

Pray the outreach of the national Church that the listeners will take the health teaching to heart, and that God's word will also penetrate their hearts.

John Sexton is an MTW missionary and nurse practitioner. If you're a health educator and want to learn more about volunteering, email [email protected].

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7 Ways Your Church Can Pray for Missionaries

Your prayers are a lifeline, bridging the distance between your congregation and those serving on the frontlines of ministry.


Pray for eradication of the Ebola virus in West Africa. Pray that those living in the region would continue to follow health protocols even as the spread of the virus diminishes.

Pray for a new initiative in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to hand deliver soap and provide education on disease prevention to 600 families in poverty-stricken communities. 

Pray for our medical trips and the economically and medically needy patients who come to the clinics, for treatment, healing, and a knowledge of Christ.

Pray for HIV/AIDS education in the Church throughout Africa, particularly in regions where there is still so much mis-information. Pray that the Church will become educated and lead a culture change!

Pray for MTW medical missionaries who serve longer-term in one location. Pray for those they serve and for a strong partnership with the local church.

Pray that MTW medical trips would be used of God to provide much needed care and to draw men and women to faith in Christ. 

Pray for our medical clinics going into the most unreached areas of the world, providing quality medical care alongside the gospel. 

Pray for God to raise up summer interns to serve on the field, and for Him to work powerfully in and through them while they serve.

Pray for the victims of the devastating earthquake in Nepal, and for MTW as we determine how best to respond. Pray for our national partners pastoring churches there.

Pray for the young men and women who are enslaved in the sex industry in Cambodia. Pray also for the ministries we partner with who are helping victims find freedom.


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