From the Coordinator: A More Important Decision This November

By Lloyd Kim, May 28, 2024

This November we have an opportunity to make a decision that could affect all our lives. It will not only affect our lives, but even the world. No, it is not our U.S. presidential election, but it is the decision to participate in the PCA Global Mission Conference, November 1–3 in Atlanta. How would participating in this conference affect our lives, even the world? We are praying that it would reawaken the PCA’s mission to go and make disciples of all the nations!

If there is anything that will bring us together in an age of division, cynicism, and doubt, it is rallying behind our common mission. If we are not engaged in advancing the gospel of the kingdom, we will naturally gravitate to building our own kingdom or pursuing a life of entertainment and comfort. It is too easy to lose our way in this world and focus on lesser matters.

In seminary I had a classmate who was from Turkey. At the time there were only a few thousand evangelical Christians in the whole country. While studying in the United States, he interned at a local Presbyterian Church and was invited to observe a session meeting. I asked him what he thought. He said, “It was very challenging for me.”

I said, “What do you mean?”

He said, “In Turkey, when the pastor says, ‘We need to go now!’ we all go and follow. We were living in a context where people would throw bombs into Christian gatherings. At the session meeting I attended here [in the U.S.] they discussed, even debated for several hours, what kind of toilet paper to buy for their bathrooms.” I could understand why he was so challenged!

Engaging in global missions helps us to see things from a different perspective. Very often our missionaries and national partners help us see the gospel and our Christian faith in new and powerful ways. They remind us that we have a common enemy who seeks to thwart our mission. They inspire us to join them in seeing the darkness pushed back, Satan’s kingdom destroyed, and the gospel of the kingdom advance through the world.

So let’s make the right decision this November and gather together with our missionaries and national partners to worship, hear what God is doing across the world, and then be sent out to accomplish the mission of our King! 

Register now for the Global Missions Conference at Early registration has been extended through General Assembly, June 15. 

Lloyd Kim

Lloyd Kim is coordinator of Mission to the World. He is a former PCA pastor and a former missionary with MTW in the Philippines and Cambodia. He holds an M.Div. from Westminster Seminary in California and a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Lloyd and his wife, Eda, are the parents of Kaelyn, Christian, and Katy.

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Give thanks to God for the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who have come to faith over the last two decades. Pray for God to protect believers and draw more to Himself. 

Pray that the global church, including the PCA in the U.S., would make evangelism a priority, and share the truth with those around them. 

Pray that God would draw many PCA church members, pastors, students, and those passionate about global missions to the GMC conference in November.

Give thanks and pray for a couple in Japan who recently came to faith as they faced the last days of the husband's life.

Pray for those in Turkey continuing to rebuild from last year's earthquake, and for continuation of the spiritual growth seen as a result.

Pray for the pastors/national partners ministering in the Ukrainian church amid the ongoing war. Pray too for MTW missionaries who serve the church both in-country and from afar.

Pray for missionary women seeking to juggle ministry and family life in a cross-cultural setting.

Pray for Freedom Ministries arm of MTW's work in Cambodia, providing a home for girls and young women rescued from trafficking. Pray that the girls who don't yet know Christ come to know Him.

Pray for God's grace for missionaries as they seek to be an example of love and hospitality to their neighbors while facing ongoing stressors of life.

Pray that missionaries would feel cared for while on the field. Pray, too, for our Member Care Department staff as they seek to care for missionaries well.


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