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Ministry Internships in Southeast Asia

Asian Crescent Team 1–11 Months Asia - Southeast
Photo by Yusron El Jihan: Unsplash

Spend several months serving in a large multi-ethnic, predominantly-Muslim, Asian city, assisting our team. This is similar to our summer internship opportunity, but with more flexible, year-round dates.


There are two ministry "tracks" available: a mercy ministry track, focusing on programs at the local church's Rohingya refugee center (teaching English, tutoring, or assisting with vocational and educational programs); or a pastoral track, that will pair interns with local pastoral staff giving interns exposure to evangelism, discipleship, and church ministry. Both men and women are welcome.

Both tracks include extensive mentoring and training. This is a great way to learn about engaging the unchurched and unreached in a diverse, gospel-needy city. You’ll get an up-close look at a church plant in its early stages of development and learn how mercy ministry is a necessary adornment to the ministry of the Word. It could be an excellent way to help you discern your calling.

We’re looking for flexible and mature people who love the Church, are sensitive to others, and desire to learn and serve as part of our team. If that sounds like a great way to spend your summer, please contact us now!


English Teachers Needed: Global Muslim Ministries
Student Ministry Outreach Among Muslims
Student Ministry in the Asian Crescent
Pastoral Resident
1–11 Months
Missionary Residency Program
1–11 Months
Student Ministry in the Asian Crescent
Church Planting and Community Outreach Coordinator
Indigenous Ministry Outreach
Church Planting Internship
1–11 Months