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Experience Missions Across Australia: Three Locations in Four Weeks

Australia Perth Sydney Summer Internships Australasia - Pacific Islands
Photo by Denise Jans on Unsplash

**2025 applications are closed. Check back in October to explore 2026 opportunities.**

Australia is rapidly becoming a post-Christian society, even to the point that it's considered "pre-Christian" by some. We are working in several different locations, sharing the good news of Jesus with people who desperately need Him.

We'd love to invest in a few interns this summer, exposing you to an array of ministry and location possibilities, and helping you discern a potential call to long-term missions. You will spend two weeks in Sydney and then one week each in Perth and Brookton. Sydney and Perth are cities; Brookton is a rural community. You'll serve alongside missionaries and national leadership, participating in a variety of ministry and projects. You will be mentored along the way, participating together in cross-cultural studies and a missions curriculum. This mentored summer internship is a 2025 RUF partnership site.

Are you mature in your faith? Are you flexible, self-motivated, and independent? It will be a summer with lots of variety, travel, and change. And do you love sharing your faith? You will be doing a lot of evangelism and relationship-building. If so, we'd love to talk with you about this great English-speaking opportunity!

Dates: June 26-July 30

For FAQs and more info, visit

Interested in a summer internship, but overwhelmed by the choices? That's OK! Tell us as much as you can, and we will help you find your fit!


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