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Love, Tim & Laura
Serving in Ethiopia | Acct # 14373
After meeting in Ethiopia on an MTW internship during college, Tim and Laura Love moved there in 2019 to serve long-term as medical missionaries at Soddo Christian Hospital. Tim is a board-certified general surgeon with a degree in public health, and he works with the Pan African Academy of Christian Surgeons ( training Ethiopian doctors to become surgeons while simultaneously discipling them in their faith. Laura has a master's in social work and currently stays home with their children after working for many years in international adoption. She also enjoys supporting the PAACS program and helping host visitors to the hospital.
The need for more Christian surgeons is great, as nine out of 10 Ethiopians cannot access basic surgical services due to lack of surgeons and surgical capacity. Thus, many are left suffering or dying with conditions that could be easily treated with surgery. This ministry provides opportunities to share the gospel with patients who are desperate for hope and to train the next generation of healthcare providers in Ethiopia.
Please pray for the Loves and the residents in training as they work to push back the darkness of sickness and suffering in Ethiopia.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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