Hegler, Matt & Emma

Serving in Japan | Acct # 400784


Matt and Emma developed a heart for youth ministry through various leadership roles in the church, which helped them to recognize the need for gospel-centered discipleship among teens. Through an internship in 2018 with the Next team in Nagoya, Japan, Emma was drawn to the Japanese people. In her time there, she developed a vivid picture of how Japanese culture groans for the gospel. Additionally, after finishing the application process for veterinary school, Matt could see God closing doors and guiding him in a new direction. Through prayer and a love for youth ministry, the Holy Spirit moved Matt’s heart to develop a burden for missionary and Japanese youth.

Matt and Emma married in December of 2021 and were approved to join the MTW Next Asia-Pacific team in January of 2023. The mission of this team is to work alongside the church to reach Japanese youth with the gospel, to train youth leaders, and to sustain missionary families on the field. With a passion for the next generation, Matt and Emma hope to come alongside the fading Japanese church by reinforcing its mission to dissolve the burden of sin and anxiety with the overwhelming grace of the gospel.

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