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Chia, Dean & Eileen
Serving in Taiwan | Acct # 400715
Dean and Eileen Chia are excited to bring their three sons to Taiwan to testify to the sweetness and joy of knowing Christ! Dean was born and raised in Philadelphia to Taiwanese parents. Eileen was born and raised in Taipei but met Dean when she came to Philadelphia for graduate school. It was during her student days that she fell in love with the Bible through solid, expository preaching, and she saw how much this was needed in Taiwan.
Around the same time Dean met Eileen (and shortly thereafter fell in love with her), a missionary recruiter came to Westminster Theological Seminary and shared inspiring stories of East Asian house church pastors and their gospel zeal for the lost. Dean was sensing God's call to global missions. When they married in 2016, Dean and Eileen felt called to serve in Taiwan, particularly in the area of theological education. Dean received his Ph.D. in Old Testament studies in 2022. Dean will serve in a Reformed seminary in Taipei to train pastors in Taiwan, and in East Asia through distance education. They are looking to worship and serve in a local Chinese-speaking Presbyterian church.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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