Cain, Brooks & Riva

Serving in Japan | Acct # 11347


Brooks and Riva married in 2007 and have been working together in youth ministry ever since. They both attended Covenant Theological Seminary where Brooks received a master of divinity and Riva received a master of arts in counseling. It was there that the Lord called the Cains to serve with MTW’s Next team in reaching the "10/30 window" (10–30 year olds) with the good news of Jesus.

The Cains are based in Nagoya, Japan where they serve with a local church called All Nations Fellowship, reaching out to young people in their community. In addition, the Cains are involved in training next-generation ministry leaders and ministering to missionary kids and families throughout the Asia-Pacific region, as well as caring for the two beautiful daughters that God has given to them. Please pray for the Cains and their goal of “Reaching the Nations and the Next Generation.”

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