Make a gift of cash or appreciated property (stocks, bonds, real estate, gifts in kind).
Gifts of Cash, Real Estate, or Appreciated Property
There are a number of ways to give gifts of cash, appreciated property (stocks, bonds, real estate, or gifts in kind) to MTW. Our estate and gift planning specialists can help you navigate your options.
If you make a gift of real estate or appreciated property today, you can receive a charitable tax deduction equal to the property’s full fair market value and eliminate the capital gains tax you may otherwise pay on the property’s appreciated value.
You can also give a portion of the property to Mission to the World and keep the proceeds from the sale of the remainder. In this way you will receive a lump sum of cash, and the charitable deduction from the gift portion may help offset capital gains taxes on the portion you keep.
Please feel free to call 678.823.0028 or email if you have any questions about how to give.

Making Disciples: Training Up the Next Generation of Spiritual Givers
Those of us with the spiritual gift of giving are also called to play our role in making disciples—disciples who have the gift of giving.

Cutting the Coal: One Man’s Lifelong Call to Missions
As a teacher, he supported over 30 missionaries. As a missionary, he served the unreached in the jungle. Now 97, his stewardship continues.

Giving Doesn't Come Naturally
For most people, giving isn’t easy. In fact, it’s difficult. That’s because giving isn’t natural. It’s a gift.

A Different Lens
How grace turned one man’s view of faith, finances, and stewardship upside down.
This website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal, tax, or financial advice. Please consult your legal and tax advisors to verify its applicability to your specific circumstances.
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