Our prayer is that these videos help children to see God’s glory story and encourage them to live on mission for God’s kingdom.

To begin, download these conversation cards to start your children thinking about God’s Story.

Then you can begin watching each of the videos in order: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Restoration. Each video is approximately 15 minutes and contains an introduction, a look at one aspect of God’s story, introduces an MTW missionary, and closes in prayer. Each video has a corresponding PDF "passport" file below it that gives more information about the missionaries and the countries where they serve.


If you are still looking for more content for your kids, check out our VBS children's videos sponsored by the MTW West Coast Hub. These videos feature local PCA pastors and MTW missionaries.


These videos were filmed and produced by members of the churches listed below. We are beyond grateful for the gift of their time, talents, and treasure to make this children's content possible.

Evangel Presbytery, Birmingham
Christ Presbyterian Church, Nashville 
Park Cities Presbyterian, Dallas
Disciple Community Church, Irvine
Westminster Presbyterian, Atlanta
First Presbyterian Church, Hattiesburg
Sue Jakes, CDM Children’s Ministry Coordinator
MTW Missionaries: Kirk and Anna Norris, Amy Newsome, and the Church Family

And a special thank you to Asher Church for walking us through God's glory story.

If you'd like to download these graphics to print our for your church, they are available below.

Creation | Fall | Redemption | Restoration | Poster

We would love to know if you were a church who benefited from these children's missions videos. Please drop us a line at [email protected] to let us know.

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