Watch Recorded Videos from the Virtual Missions Conference
Watch the plenary and breakout session recordings—relive the experience!
The MTW Virtual Missions Conference
Our world is in upheaval but the work of making disciples of Christ is ever before us. The pandemic has raised existential questions, opened spiritual doors with a bag of rice, and provided opportunities for local partners to lead. Now more than ever, we witness His hand at work and celebrate the assurance that His story continues.
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At this virtual missions conference you’ll hear stories from around the world that will have you rejoicing in the Lord’s work and workshops that will challenge your views on missions. You’ll also catch a glimpse into the future as we anticipate how God will grow His kingdom through the work of the Presbyterian Church in America and our partners.
February 19–20
8 p.m. Eastern Time. (7 p.m. early login)
MTW will host a live virtual conference, with a plenary session Friday night and workshops and closing plenary on Saturday. Individuals, groups, and churches are welcome. And it’s free!
Churches, we want to resource you during missions conference season, so use all or part of our virtual conference as your own. Host a watch party or have congregants participate from home, or both at the same time.
Check back here for updates, and be sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to be the first to know.
Questions? We'd be glad to help you! Contact us at [email protected] or find your regional hub.
How to Navigate the Conference
Victor Nakah
International Director – Africa, Mission to the World

Victor is an ordained Presbyterian minister, and has served in various capacities in the church and related organizations. His most recent position was with CURE International, where he served as senior vice president for spiritual ministry. Before joining CURE, he served as the Africa regional director for Overseas Council International. He was also a seminary president for 10 years in Zimbabwe. During this time, he earned a master’s degree in systematic theology from the University of South Africa and a Ph.D. in systematic theology from Stellenbosch University.
In addition to his primary ministry as MTW international director for Sub-Saharan Africa, Victor supervises master’s and Ph.D. students attending South Africa Theological Seminary, teaches at the Africa Reformation Theological Seminary (Uganda), and is Extraordinary Researcher for North-West University.
Victor and his wife, Nosizo, have two adult daughters.
Cartee Bales
Senior Director of Field Operations, Mission to the World

Rev. Cartee Bales began a career in technology management and consulting, and was eventually redirected into vocational Gospel ministry through his passion for cross-cultural missions. This passion carried him from a corporate setting to seminary in his 40s, then through ordination and ministry in the Presbyterian Church of America at Kirk of the Hills PCA where he served as the Pastor of Missions and Outreach, and then to Asia. Through this journey, God has merged and used Cartee’s leadership and business experience with his ministry training, and matched it with a passion for the nations. He and his wife Colleen lived in South Asia seven years, and now serves Mission to the World as the Senior Director of Field Operations, based in Atlanta, GA.
He and Colleen have two sons, and two grandchildren who live in the United States.
David Stoddard
International Director, Europe - Mission to the World

David, son of a PCA church-planter, was raised in Louisiana and Tennessee. Christ captured his heart in high school while he was participating in short-term mission trips, and David has felt called to missions ever since. At King College in Tennessee, he majored in political science and modern foreign languages, earned a master of divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary (WTS) in California, and a Th.M. from WTS in Philadelphia.
David serves as the international director for Europe, overseeing MTW’s vision, values, and personnel in Europe. David and his wife Eowyn joined MTW’s church-planting movement in eastern Berlin in 2001. Over the past 20 years, Team Berlin has been involved in planting five churches and a campus of Martin Bucer Seminary. David and Eowyn support church-planting through evangelism, teaching, and outreach to refugees.
Micah Iverson
Music Leader for Worship Concert

Breakouts, Booths, & Detailed Schedule
All times below are in Eastern Standard Time
Note: The conference platform will auto-adjust to your local time zone
Friday, February 19
7:00–8:00 p.m.
Missionary Meetup
8:00–9:30 p.m.
Opening Session: Lloyd Kim
Saturday, February 20
9:30 a.m.–9:55 a.m.
Morning Tea & Prayer
10:00 a.m.–10:30 a.m.
Stories of Missions 1
10:30 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Stories of Missions 2
11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Main Session: Victor Nakah & Cartee Bales
12:05 p.m.–2:00 p.m.
Missionary Meetup
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.
Breakouts 1
2:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.
Breakouts 2
2:30 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Breakouts 3
3:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
Closing Session: David Stoddard
Host a Watch Party at Your Church
Watch the Conference from Your Home
Videos for Children During the Conference
Powerpoint Slides, Graphics, & Resources
Below is a blurb that you can use for your own bulletin insert, or you may download our pre-designed and formatted insert above.
Virtual Missions Conference
February 19–20, 2021 | FREE
Our world is in upheaval but the work of making disciples of Christ is ever before us. Now more than ever, we witness His hand at work and celebrate the assurance that His story continues.
You’ll hear stories from around the world, experience workshops that will challenge your views on missions, and catch a glimpse into the future as we anticipate how God will grow His kingdom through the work of the Presbyterian Church in America and our partners.
Individuals, groups, and churches welcome. More info at
This event is free!
You do need to register. If you’re going to be sharing a screen with others, you will only need one registered user per shared device. Please register if you have not yet done so.
- It is recommended that you use an internet browser to participate such as Chrome or Firefox.
- You will also need computer speakers or some way to listen to computer audio.
- Many of our breakout sessions will have the ability for video/audio participation. If you would like to do so, you'll need a camera and a mic for your computer.
- One registration allows you to stream on one device. To stream on multiple devices simultaneously, you must register with multiple email addresses. Churches wishing to encourage members to participate from home cannot share the church login. Individuals must register individually.
- The same applies for families or individuals who might want to attend a workshop in one room while children participate in a children’s session in another room. Please register separately for each device you plan to use simultaneously.
- The platform we’re using for the conference, called Hopin, is browser-based. There is no app to download. Hopin works best on Chrome and Firefox. Explorer/Edge and Safari are not fully compatible on desktops with the conference platform.
No, the event platform is called Hopin and in runs in a browser window. If you’re hosting a watch party from a big screen, one person will need to stay near the computer to navigate the event (using a standard mouse and keyboard).
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