For many years, the Catholic Church was guardian of Polish culture, national identity, and conservative Catholicism in the face of Soviet communism. Although spiritual apathy is now on the rise, many Poles remain loyal to a cultural Catholicism. The city of Krakow is a cultural center, a hub for tech companies, and the home of the oldest university in Poland, but like the rest of the country, a city where religion is either Catholic legalism or considered passe.

We desire to support the newly formed denomination, the Presbyterian Church in Poland, by helping to establish a multicultural, biblical, Reformed church in Krakow. We hope to see this church plant become a healthy, gospel-centered community that offers hope rather than religious legalism and ritualism. The church’s outreach ministries currently include a publishing house, a Christian pre-school, engaging the arts community, and welcoming displaced Ukrainians. They are an important partner in MTW’s ongoing Ukraine crisis response. In addition to the church plant in Krakow, we are also supporting a church plant in the city of Gdansk.


Boiko, Yuri & Olya

The Boiko family fled the war from their hometown of Manchenky, Ukraine, and are serving with Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church in Krakow, Poland.

The Boiko family fled the war from their hometown of Manchenky, Ukraine, and are serving with Christ the Savior...

Meadows, Amanda

Amanda will join the church team in Krakow, Poland, as the church life coordinator, working in children’s and women’s ministry, administrative tasks, hospitality, and English outreach.

Amanda will join the church team in Krakow, Poland, as the church life coordinator, working in children’s and women’s...

Romer, Mikael & Zuzanna

The Romers are partnering with the Presbyterian Church in Poland to help their church-planting efforts, to learn from them, and ultimately to plant biblical, Reformed, gospel-centered churches.

The Romers are partnering with the Presbyterian Church in Poland to help their church-planting efforts, to learn from...

Sylwestrowicz, Michal & Kaja

Michał and Kaja serve in Gdańsk, Poland to help the growth of a Presbyterian church plant.

Michał and Kaja serve in Gdańsk, Poland to help the growth of a Presbyterian church plant.

Nezamutdinov, Sashko

Sashko and Ania Nezamutdinov are based in Krakow, Poland, where Sashko is the lead pastor at Christ the Savior Presbyterian Church.

Sashko and Ania Nezamutdinov are based in Krakow, Poland, where Sashko is the lead pastor at Christ the Savior...

Otremba, Tom & Damaris

Tom and Damaris Otrembo are pursuing a calling to establish and develop the Institute for Reformation, Poland.

Tom and Damaris Otrembo are pursuing a calling to establish and develop the Institute for Reformation, Poland.

Spence, Joel

Joel & Katya serve in Poland planting churches, discipling new believers, leadership training, and providing theological training.

Joel & Katya serve in Poland planting churches, discipling new believers, leadership training, and providing...

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College Evangelism in Poland
Mission Trips
Church Planting in Krakow, Poland
Summer Internships
New Fields in Europe

Joel Spence's Call to Krakow, Poland (VIDEO)

Watch Joel's journey from military service to missions work, as he discovers his calling and helps open a new mission field in Poland.


Publishing Reformed Theological Literature in Poland's Heart Language (VIDEO)

Much of Eastern Europe faces a theological famine, with few materials in their own language. A publishing house in Krakow is changing that.


Weaving a Team in Krakow From War-Torn Threads

After the Russian invasion, some believers unexpectedly found themselves serving in Poland, and are being used of God to grow His Church.


Crates for Ukraine: The Next Season (VIDEO)

The global Church has worked together to collect, courier, and distribute crates full of aid to thousands in need. We're not done.


Thank You for Helping Ukraine! (VIDEO)

The church has been so generous to come alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine. Thank you for all you've made possible.


Give thanks for and pray for MTW's ministry in Krakow, Poland. Thank God for the opportunity to open a field there.

Pray that believers in Poland would get theological materials they need in their heart language through a new publishing ministry. 

Pray the newly formed denomination, the Presbyterian Church in Poland, and the establishment of a new multicultural, biblical, Reformed church in Krakow. Poland is a new field for MTW, borne out of the crisis in Ukraine. 

Reformation Study Bible in Polish

Your gifts to this project will be used to underwrite the cost of translating the “Reformation Study Bible” into Polish, equipping the Polish church with a long-awaited tool which will increase the quality of preaching across churches.