New Zealand was once ranked as the fourth largest per capita missionary-sending country in the world. In the years since, this beautiful South Pacific nation has become increasingly post-Christian. Today, only 15 percent of New Zealanders attend church, and 51 percent have no religious beliefs at all. “Zed” is clean, green, egalitarian, and progressive, but it is also a country where the Church needs revitalization, and where people need the hope of Christ. Here, a small team of MTW missionaries is working with and under Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand, helping to grow and support the national Presbyterian denomination.

Additionally, MTW teams have been involved with construction, humanitarian relief, and ongoing revitalization work with the Presbyterian Church in Vanuatu. In the Pacific island hub of Fiji, a new team has been launched to plant a church among the island nation's young professionals and arts communities. Throughout the Australasia region, the Reformed Church is stirring, spreading, and changing lives with the grace-driven power of the gospel.


Henry, Paul & Crystal

Paul and Crystal Henry with their four children are church planting with MTW in Rotorua, New Zealand.

Paul and Crystal Henry with their four children are church planting with MTW in Rotorua, New Zealand.

La Belle, Schylie

Schylie will be serving in New Zealand. She will be assisting local missionaries with children’s ministries such as youth groups, day programs, and evangelistic outreach.

Schylie will be serving in New Zealand. She will be assisting local missionaries with children’s ministries such as...

McNair, Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn will serve with MTW in Rotorua, New Zealand, investing in women, sharing the gospel, and joining the church-planting movement there that started in 2019.

Kaitlyn will serve with MTW in Rotorua, New Zealand, investing in women, sharing the gospel, and joining the...

Williams, Steve & Rita

Steve and Rita Williams serve on a church-planting lead team in Auckland, New Zealand. Together they have been active in the support and care of Christian leaders and their families.

Steve and Rita Williams serve on a church-planting lead team in Auckland, New Zealand. Together they have been active...

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Church Planting Internship
1–11 Months
Children's Ministry
Associate/Assistant Pastors

Conversations with a Contractor in a Post-Christian Culture

A contractor noticed religious books at a missionary's New Zealand home and wondered how Christianity could possibly be relevant today.


The Story of Vanuatu

How did the church in Vanuatu start? Amazingly it's a Presbyterian Church birthed in the 19th century by a Scottish Presbyterian missionary.


Pray for opportunities for missionaries in New Zealand to share the gospel clearly in a post-Christian culture where faith seems irrelevant to many.

Pray for Grace Church Christchurch in New Zealand, where more than 25 nationalities are represented on any given Sunday, as the leaders as church leaders seek to intergrate visitors.

Pray for discernment regarding how best to reach Christian leaders in the Pacific Islands and assist them in their understanding of the Christian faith. 

MTW Island to Island

Equipping South Pacific Island church leaders with theological training.