Cape Town, South Africa, is a city of great natural beauty, a coastal vacation destination with a diverse array of people groups, languages, and cultures. Yet it is also a city with great economic disparity, political conflict, and racial tension. MTW South Africa ministers in both of these worlds.
Approximately half the population of Cape Town lives in the outlying townships, primarily non-white areas likened to overcrowded ghettos. Most pastors here have little to no training; the need for solid theological education here is enormous. MTW South Africa desires to be a Reformed voice in training these pastors and church leaders and encouraging Reformed church plants in the townships. The team also partners with local churches in several outreach ministries.
Additionally, some on the team are part of REACHstudents, a vibrant student ministry that seeks to reach and serve students academically, emotionally and spiritually. Evangelism, discipling, skills workshops, and outreach activities are the heartbeat of this ministry.