Why Should African Americans Participate in World Missions? A VIDEO

By Tom Mills, Feb 13, 2018

Last summer, MTW took a historic vision trip with a team comprised entirely of African Americans. The group, collectively called RADD (Reformed and Diverse Delegates), traveled to Australia to learn from and minister to Aboriginals. This team is committed to mobilizing people of color, especially African Americans, in both local and global missions.

Now this instrumental group is calling other African Americans to serve. Why should African Americans be involved in missions? Because it's what the Great Commission commands. Because African Americans bring a unique perspective and can come alongside others in their struggle. The world is waiting for people of color. They're waiting for hope.

Why should African Americans participate in world missions? Watch as these Reformed African-American leaders answer the question. 

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7 Ways Your Church Can Pray for Missionaries

Your prayers are a lifeline, bridging the distance between your congregation and those serving on the frontlines of ministry.


Sydney, Australia: A Multicultural City (VIDEO)

Korea, India, Nepal, Lebanon, Vietnam—the nations are coming to Sydney, making it a strategic spot for missions.


9 Ways You Can Pray for Missionaries

The power of prayer in supporting missionaries cannot be overstated.


Pray today for specific missionaries you know or who your church supports.

Pray for the lost in Sydney, Australia, a city filled with people from many nations. Pray for Koreans, Indian, Nepalese, Lebanese, Vietnamese, and others who live in Sydney and don't know Jesus.

Give thanks that God still calls workers into His harvest! Pray today for Chris Claburn, as he serves on a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand.

Pray for missionaries as they struggle with all the what-ifs of living abroad. Pray that God would alleviate fear and that they would remember He is with them.

Give thanks for and pray for MTW's ministry in Krakow, Poland. Thank God for the opportunity to open a field there.

Pray that churches would care well for missionaries on home ministry assignment, and that missionaries would tangibly feel God's love. 

Pray for a new parish-style church in Bangkok, Thailand, where the missionaries and church members are able to live in close proximity to one another and more easily minister to the community around them. 

Pray for God's provision for missionaries raising support, and that they would remember that developing ministry partners is a ministry.

Pray for God to raise up missionaries to plant churches and teach theology in places where the gospel has been distorted.

Pray for the Wolof people in Senegal, identified as an unreached people group, as the gospel spreads through a new church plant.


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