Serving Among the Cherokee: A Video

By Claire Elyse Photography, Nov 24, 2016

Missionaries Scott & Ruth Hill are working to share the gospel and disciple men and women in Cherokee, N.C., with the goal of planting a PCA church. Watch this video and learn more about the ways God is at work among the Cherokee Nation in North Carolina. 

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Have We Become Cynical about Native American Missions?

When we think of Native America do we think of casinos, alcoholism, and government handouts? What if we expected great things instead?


God Answers the Native Cry

Native Americans studying at Mokahum Ministry Center are catching a vision for reaching their own.


Native Americans: Reached, Unreached, or Mis-reached?

Though Native America has been the target of missionaries, it would be a failure to check them off on our list of “reached” people.


Pray for the Cherokee people and our ministry alongside them.

Pray that we would not give into cynicism regarding ministry among Native Americans, and that God would give us a vision for the expansion of the Native American Church.

Pray that God will give churches a vision to invest in their youth by taking short-term mission trips. Pray that youth would grasp a heart for missions as a result.

Pray for short-term teams to Native American and First Nations tribes to be used of God and to build relationships with tribe members as they serve.

Pray for the future Native American Christian leaders being raised up at Mokahum Ministry Center in Bemidji, Minn., and that they would impact their tribes with the gospel.

Pray for our ministry among the Lummi Nation. Pray that the Lummi would see they don't have to lose their culture to find Christ.

Pray that God would use Native Americans and First Nations people to reach their own tribes with the gospel of Christ. 

Please pray for the refugees in Metro Atlanta we are seeking to serve. Pray they would know the love of Christ.

Pray for God to draw the hearts of Native American and First Nations people to Himself and for Native churches to flourish.

Pray for the First Nations people in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and for the ministry of Amazing Grace Community Church actively reaching the city for Christ. 


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