Preparing Leaders for Ministry in Uganda

By Staff, Jan 14, 2020

In anticipation of an upcoming home assignment, a missionary in Uganda is pouring himself into leaders who will shepherd the church in his absence. One such man is the church’s pastoral intern. He is leading a weekly Bible study discussing the sermon and Scripture from Sunday service and facilitating the group’s prayer time. This is an important aspect of the team’s leadership development. Missionaries also work with the leadership team by bringing them along for pastoral visits, praying with them, and helping to guide how they are doing ministry in the church plant.

On a recent pastoral visit, the missionary took two of the leaders with him to meet with a brother who has been struggling with two years of unemployment—a common struggle in Uganda. The Ugandan leaders were able to encourage this man because they’ve faced similar trials. They brought the gospel in ways the missionary could not. It was on-the-job training that resulted in a deeper ministry impact.

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Equip Church Planters
Mentor East African Church Planters
Campus Ministry in Sub-Saharan Africa

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Pray for the South Sudanese church that has formed in Uganda from refugees who have fled their homeland.

Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 

Pray for national believers taking on growing leadership roles in Uganda. 

Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.  

Give thanks for the new growth in Kampala as a Bible study multiplies and the church grows. 

Pray for our ministries in Africa, where many have come to expect broken systems and corruption. Pray that God would intervene and change hearts that would change communities.

Pray for ongoing ministry in the Suki community during COVID-19. Many day workers cannot work, and the church is having to find creative ways to minister. 

Pray for the church-planting team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (comprised of five Ethiopian nationals and an MTW missionary) as they work together to wholistically share Christ and serve the local community. 

Pray for MTW medical missionaries who serve longer-term in one location. Pray for those they serve and for a strong partnership with the local church.

Pray for MTW's ministry to refugees in Greece, Germany, Ukraine, Uganda, Panama, and the U.S.


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