Pray for 150 Becomes Pray 9:38

Mar 28, 2016

Many of you have partnered with us in the Pray for 150 campaign, faithfully praying for 150 new missionaries by the end of 2015. Thank you! We want to share the results of those prayers with you and also invite you to keep praying with us.

Our new prayer campaign is called Pray 9:38, from Matthew 9:38, where we are to "pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers… .”  We’ll be sending email updates under this new name for those interested in keeping up with us in this new prayer campaign. If you’ve been receiving Pray for 150 email updates, you’re already on the list. If you’d like to start receiving these updates, email [email protected] and we’ll add you to the list.

After making the final calculations, we have seen God’s faithfulness with the approval of 145 new missionaries, only five short of the goal! Although we were just shy of reaching 150, we are happy to report that during the last two years we’ve seen the number of those serving in career missions (four years or more) increase dramatically.

But it doesn’t end there. The interesting thing is, we’re now seeing further fruit from your prayers. In March, we had the largest new missionary training we have had since 2012. Thirty-two newly approved missionaries were at this training and orientation.

Join us in praising God and praying for them as they engage in the first phase of their ministry and look for a team of financial and prayer supporters.

We also want to ask you to be praying for another event coming up—Link. You may remember this is an event we started last year, where those considering missions are invited to come and meet with staff and missionaries, ask their questions, and discuss any obstacles to missions they are facing.

Our next Link will be Sept. 16-17, 2016, in San Diego, Ca., at New Life Escondido PCA. You can see more details about it at

Please pray for those considering attending this event:

•           That any obstacles to their attendance would be removed.

•           That God would use their time at Link to give them a clear vision for missions.

•           That many will be called (or confirmed in their calling) to serve in cross cultural missions.

Thank you for continuing to lift up missions and MTW to “the Lord of the harvest.”

"...therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest field."

Matthew 9:38

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Cultivate a Culture of Missions in Your Church
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Missions Training Internship in the Middle East
1–11 Months

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DAY 24: Pray the church plants of the Uganda Presbytery would reach the lost in their communities with the gospel. 

DAY 23: Pray for a new family as they embark to start ministry in a new location—pray that their ministry and family would thrive in their Muslim-majority context.

DAY 22: El Salvador: Pray that young people would hunger for the truth of the gospel. 

DAY 21: Pray that the Lord would raise up new workers in locations all over the world, including Australia/New Zealand/Pacific Islands, Japan, Mexico, the Middle East, and Slovakia, to name a few. 

DAY 20: France: Give thanks for the 50 years of Jean Calvin Seminary and its impact; pray for guidance in addressing the current decline in residential students. 

Give thanks to God for all He did through the Global Missions Conference! Please pray that conference attendees would take their next step in missions, be it multiplying, going, leading, caring, or giving.  

DAY 19: Pray for teams located in the Middle East who are striving to minister well to locals amid nearby fighting. 

DAY 18: Pray for God to raise up a new generation of pastors and church leaders for Japan. 

DAY 17: Pray for those in Turkey continuing to rebuild from last year's earthquake, and for continuation of the spiritual growth seen as a result. 

DAY 16: Pray for missionary kids who started college this fall, most in countries far away from their families and homes. Pray for encouragement through learning, community, and spiritual growth. 


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