Mobilization Priorities for an Africa in Crisis (AUDIO)

By Staff, May 1, 2018
Africa—a continent of contradictions. It's potentially one of the wealthiest continents but the majority of countries struggle with poverty, high unemployment, and disease. The Church there is growing tremendously, with some countries claiming to be 98 or 99 percent Christian, yet many countries lead on the corruption index. What kind of Christianity is this that does not produce transformation, responsible citizens, or disciples who are salt and light?

Listen as Victor Nakah, MTW's international director for sub-Saharan Africa, talks about this crisis and how we can mobilize poeple to go and offer a credible response—through church planting, business as mission, student ministry, and mercy and justice outreach. 

This seminar was recorded live at the 2017 PCA Global Missions Conference in Dallas. 

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Youth Ministry Leaders
Equip Church Planters
Mentor East African Church Planters

The Need for Discipleship in Africa (VIDEO)

As a pandemic rages throughout the continent, MTW Africa moves forward with a clear vision to transform the church through discipleship.


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Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.  

Pray for our ministries in Africa, where many have come to expect broken systems and corruption. Pray that God would intervene and change hearts that would change communities.

Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 

Pray for the growth and community of the Westlake village church plant and ministries of in Cape Town, South Africa.

Give thanks for lives transformed among the urban poor in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and pray for ongoing spiritual growth. 

Give thanks for the maturing of the Sakalava church in Madagascar. Pray for the Sakalava believers who are now leading a congregation of people once steeped in ancestor worship and spirit possession.

Pray for ongoing ministry in the Suki community during COVID-19. Many day workers cannot work, and the church is having to find creative ways to minister. 

Pray for the Sakalava in Nosy Be, Madagascar. Islanders have been hard hit by the shutdown of the tourisim industry. Many are new to faith. 

Pray for national believers taking on growing leadership roles in Uganda. 

Pray for the church-planting team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, (comprised of five Ethiopian nationals and an MTW missionary) as they work together to wholistically share Christ and serve the local community. 


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