Meet Lauren Stovall (VIDEO)

By Tom Mills, Jul 27, 2021

“This was a God thing. There is no way I could have chosen Ukraine on my own.” As an elementary and middle school art teacher, Lauren never imagined God would call her overseas, let alone to Ukraine. But He did. During a summer internship in Odessa, on a long bus ride home after teaching university students at a week-long English camp, the Lord began to stir an intense desire in Lauren’s heart to serve the people of Ukraine.

This is the first in a video series following Lauren's journey from support raising to Ukraine.

Watch all five videos in the series:

#1 Meet Lauren Stovall
#2 Finding Prayer Partners and Supporters
#3 Home Church Sendoff
#4 Leaving for Ukraine
#5 Odessa Arrival

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Lviv Greenhouse Intensive | June 16–July 14
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Care for the blind and others in Chile
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Sydney Summer Intensive | June 9 – 30
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"One Day" With Jon Eide in Ukraine (VIDEO)

Follow Country Director Jon Eide on a 50-hour journey from the U.S. to Kyiv, Ukraine, to encourage the Presbyterian Church in Ukraine.


Continue to Pray for Ukraine (VIDEO)

It's been two years since Russia's escalated invasion of Ukraine. The Ukrainian people and the Ukrainian church need our prayers.


Crates for Ukraine 3.0: Calling All Churches, Youth Groups, and Galvanizers (VIDEO)

MTW Ukraine is getting more requests for med kits, vitamins, and winter wear right now than any other time in the war. Will you help again?


Give thanks for and pray for the Krakow crisis team, the distribution of aid, and the shelter ministry as the team cares for displaced Ukrainians.

Pray for MTW Ukraine's publishing ministry, translating and publishing Reformed materials in Ukrainian to equip pastors and laypeople in the Church.

Thank God for bringing Ukrainians to faith in Him and giving them the vision to reach their own country for Christ. Pray for many more to be transformed.

Pray for Ukraine refugees who have had to abandon their homes due to the fighting. Pray for God to use their displacement to draw them to Himself.

Please pray for the Crates for Ukraine 3.0 effort, and for the med kits, tourniquets, vitamins, winter wear, and other critical supplies to meet the physical needs of Ukrainians in the areas that need it most.

Pray for the new believers God is drawing to Himself in Ukraine, and for those returning to faith in the wake of war.

Pray for Ukrainian pastors and church members who remain in dangerous areas, and for those transporting supplies across enemy lines. 

Pray against rape, murder, and capture of men, women, and children in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Pray for protection for the vulnerable.

Pray for courage for Christ’s followers in and around Ukraine.

Pray for families who have evacuated, leaving behind the only place they have ever known. Pray for transition and provision. 


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