Making Disciples: Training Up the Next Generation of Spiritual Givers

By Lloyd Kim, Dec 14, 2017

As we reflect on biblical stewardship, it is important to recognize that those of us with the spiritual gift of giving are also called to play our role in making disciples—disciples who have the gift of giving.

Certainly God can accomplish His Great Commission without us. But He chooses to use the body of Christ. Each of us has our part to play in the growth and advancement of the kingdom of God. We have been given these spiritual gifts to encourage, edify, and build up the community of faith. When we recognize that giving is our gift, we contribute with generosity. We give because we believe in the promises of Christ and we see ourselves as one piece of a much larger story of what God is doing across the globe.

But here’s the thing: like the other gifts, the gift of giving can be nurtured and developed. Just as missionaries or pastors make disciples who have the gift of teaching, or serving, or doing acts of mercy, supporters and senders are able to make disciples who have the gift of giving. They encourage, invest in, and train up the next generation of spiritual givers. They may be our children. They may be others in our church who we see have the potential to be givers. But you see, in our discipleship of these younger givers, we are fulfilling the Great Commission mandate—making disciples and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commands.

We should not forget that the spiritual gift we have received came at a very high cost. Jesus gave up all things in order that we might become members of this body, this community of faith. He came into the world, but did not conform to its standards. He was our living sacrifice, who gave and gave and gave, even to the point of giving up His very life on the cross. Yet God raised Him from the dead, to be the firstfruits of a new creation. He is our head, our representative, our Lord. Why do we give? Why do we nurture and train disciples to give? Because He so generously and lavishly gave to us. He now gives us His Holy Spirit, who fills us and equips us to carry forth His mission in bringing together all of God’s people from the ends of the earth. It’s not about us. We have nothing to boast about, but a lot to be grateful for. He honors us by giving us the privilege to participate in His kingdom work. And even as we participate, we ought to teach and pass on to others the gift of giving.

Lloyd Kim

Lloyd Kim is coordinator of Mission to the World. He is a former PCA pastor and a former missionary with MTW in the Philippines and Cambodia. He holds an M.Div. from Westminster Seminary in California and a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Lloyd and his wife, Eda, are the parents of Kaelyn, Christian, and Katy.

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