MTW VIsion and Values: Making Disciples Among All Nations

By Tom Mills, Nov 9, 2015
See the movement that is happening all over the world through MTW. We interview our on-field missionaries in Bulgaria, Cambodia, Haiti, Honduras, and more to share with you their struggles, work, their vision, and the miracles that are happening every day all over the world.
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The Well: Reach Out Broadly, Dive Deeply
Summer Internships
English Outreach
Mentored Internships
1–11 Months

Goliath Must Fall: Two Gospel Stories

In a hard-to-reach, largely atheistic European city, these stories declare the gospel to be "the power of God unto salvation."


Addicts to Pastors: The Gospel Transforms the Lives of Two Bulgarian Pastors

In early adolescence and young adulthood, two men were ensnared in the throes of drug addiction. Then the Holy Spirit flipped the script.


Redeeming Evil for Good: MTW’s Cambodia Team Addresses the Problem of Human Trafficking

Mark and Laura saw the need for the girls and young women coming out of human trafficking to connect to the church. So they began to pray.


Pray for Europeans who have heard the gospel but are hesitant to fully commit to Christ. Pray that God would draw them to Himself.

Pray for women forced by poverty into sex work. Pray for MTW ministries around the globe seeking to rescue and minister to these women.

Pray for two women, Monika and Andrea, who have recently come to faith against the odds in a hard-to-reach, largely atheistic European city.

Pray for Monika, that God would continue to heal her, give her a new purpose, and protect her life from physical harm, and for Andrea, that she would grow deep roots of faith and be a witness to those like her—unlikely subjects—of the reality of the grace of God.

Pray for the MTW team in Bulgaria and for those they serve.

Give thanks to God for a movement of the Spirit spreading across Europe opening doors that have been long-shut.

Pray for Bulgaria, whose population is considered to be 95% "Orthodox atheist" (Orthodox in name only). Praise God for Bulgarians who are coming to faith and helping to plant churches!

Praise God for breaking through barriers in Germany and producing long-sought-after fruit! Pray for new believers to grow in their faith and lead others to Christ. 

Pray for the ministry of the Etiennes in Gonaives, Haiti. Pray for the church, schools, children's homes, and for the raising up of national leaders.

Pray for Boris and Niki, two national partners from Bulgaria, as they move through a pastoral internship and into a new stage of ministry. Give thanks for God's work in their lives.

Pray for Freedom Ministries arm of MTW's work in Cambodia, providing a home for girls and young women rescued from trafficking. Pray that the girls who don't yet know Christ come to know Him.


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