From the Coordinator: How Does Racial Justice Relate to Missions?
How do we fulfill the Great Commission? We fulfill the Great Commission by making disciples among the nations. This entails two main tasks: First, leading people to receive the sign of baptism marking their inclusion into the community of faith. And second, teaching them to obey everything that Jesus commands (Matt. 28:18–20).
So not only are we to share the gospel with others, we are to teach others how the gospel affects every aspect of our lives: our singleness, our marriage, our children, our work, our role in society, how we treat our neighbors, etc. Teaching disciples to obey everything that Jesus commands impacts everything, including how we think about racial justice.
So how does racial justice relate to missions? The credibility of our global witness as heralds of the gospel is diminished by our lack of love for our neighbors here in the U.S. who do not look like us. Conversely, our engagement here in racial justice and reconciliation in Jesus’ name, as well as sending and supporting diverse teams of missionaries, is a powerful apologetic to the power of the gospel to break down walls of hostility (Eph. 2:11–22).
In every country where we serve, there are racial or ethnic tensions—many of them stemming from historic abuses, wars, and discrimination. Our challenges in the United States are not unique. The hope that we offer the nations in the gospel is not only the hope of eternal life in the future, but a present relationship with God that has power to reconcile enemies and bring peace. Those we are seeking to reach can see it lived out in the diverse mission teams we send. Therefore, part of teaching others to obey everything that Jesus commands is teaching by our words, actions, and attitudes the power of the gospel in bringing racial/ethnic reconciliation.
Isn’t this our story? God has reconciled us, His enemies, to Himself through the sacrificial love of His Son Jesus Christ (Rom. 5:8–11). We are living proof of the reconciling power of the gospel.
As we think about the challenges we face related to racial justice, what hope do we have for real change? I am convinced that in this life our only real hope for change comes through the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the reason why we are so passionate about sharing the gospel with the nations!
Lloyd Kim is coordinator of Mission to the World. He is a former PCA pastor and a former missionary with MTW in the Philippines and Cambodia. He holds an M.Div. from Westminster Seminary in California and a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Lloyd and his wife, Eda, are the parents of Kaelyn, Christian, and Katy.
A Biblical Theology of Global Missions
Global missions is not just one topic out of many in the Bible. Global missions is the topic of the Bible.
SEE MOREThe Next 10 Years With Lloyd Kim and Irwyn Ince (VIDEO)
In this interview from the 2024 Global Missions Conference, Lloyd Kim and Irwyn Ince discuss their vision the next 10 years MTW and MNA.
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Across the UK a partnership between MTW and national partners is growing into something much bigger.
SEE MOREPray for our single missionaries serving internationally in the midst of their unique struggles.
Pray for missionaries to remain faithful in the mundane and not get caught up in striving to perform for the praise of others.
Pray for missionaries who are doing valuable work yet have trouble raising support because their work or field is deemed less exciting or less important than other mission work by some in the church.
Pray for missionaries raising support and for potential donors to grasp the eternal importance of supporting missions.
Pray for missionaries who are experiencing homesickness on the field.
Please pray for God’s protection over new missionaries and our MTW family as we engage in God’s kingdom work.
Pray for current missionaries, future missionaries, sending churches, and donors to be willing to ask the question, "How could God use me?"
Pray for missionaries on the field who struggle with loneliness.
Pray that U.S. churches would understand and heed the biblical mandate for global missions.
Give thanks for the past decade of missions and collaboration between MTW and MNA, and pray for the next 10 years for both agencies seeking to advance the gospel locally and globally.
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