From the Coordinator: Growing Through Change

By Lloyd Kim, Apr 17, 2016

Coming into this role as coordinator of MTW, I was asked to take a fresh look at what we were doing and determine the changes necessary to achieve our overarching vision and mission. As I sought the Lord, I remembered the mandate He’s given us to “Go and make disciples of all nations.” We have a clear call. And it’s our responsibility both individually and as an organization to be good stewards as we live out that call.

Our overarching desire to be obedient to the Great Commission requires an honest evaluation of what we’re doing and how we can do it better. How can we best position ourselves to advance the kingdom of God throughout the world? How can we best organize to make disciples among all the nations?

To help answer these questions for MTW, we assembled a team to initiate a home office redesign. Several factors drove the need for a new design, but the major ones are:

1. We need to mobilize workers. More missionaries are retiring than new ones going. In order to pursue our vision of seeing the kingdom of God advance, we need more workers in the harvest.

2. In a recent field survey, our missionaries expressed an appreciation for our training and care, but also a need for more.

3. Missionaries also expressed the desire to be more consistently field led/field directed—moving away from office-initiated ministries.

4. Finally, we’ve become overly complicated, overly bureaucratic, and working in silos. We need to simplify our processes and flatten our structures.

The task of bringing significant change to our office structure and culture has been, at times, overwhelming and has driven us to much prayer. We’ve asked God to direct us by His Spirit, for unity of mind, and for His wisdom in the design as well as the implementation process.

Although we’re still in the midst of implementing the recommended changes, thus far we have seen clear evidence of God’s favor in bringing alignment and growth to our home team, and new creative energy to move us ahead in helping advance the kingdom of God throughout the world.  As we seek to make wise use of all the Lord has entrusted to us, I’m excited and hopeful about how He is going to move us forward as an organization and more fully equip us to fulfill our call to “Go and make disciples.” 

Lloyd Kim

Lloyd Kim is coordinator of Mission to the World. He is a former PCA pastor and a former missionary with MTW in the Philippines and Cambodia. He holds an M.Div. from Westminster Seminary in California and a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Fuller Theological Seminary. Lloyd and his wife, Eda, are the parents of Kaelyn, Christian, and Katy.

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Pray for our single missionaries serving internationally in the midst of their unique struggles. 

Pray for missionaries to remain faithful in the mundane and not get caught up in striving to perform for the praise of others. 

Pray for missionaries who are doing valuable work yet have trouble raising support because their work or field is deemed less exciting or less important than other mission work by some in the church. 

Pray for missionaries raising support and for potential donors to grasp the eternal importance of supporting missions.

Pray for missionaries who are experiencing homesickness on the field.

Please pray for God’s protection over new missionaries and our MTW family as we engage in God’s kingdom work.

Pray for current missionaries, future missionaries, sending churches, and donors to be willing to ask the question, "How could God use me?"

Pray for missionaries on the field who struggle with loneliness.

Pray for the English Club ministry in Sofia, Bulgaria, and the Bible study that has sprung out of it. Pray that God will use this ministry to draw many to Himself.

Pray for God to call people in their retirement years to serve with MTW in some capacity, and for wisdom in their decision-making.


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