Send the Next Generation
Project # P-0240

Begging for a Single Tortilla: Claudia’s Story of Refuge and Redemption

By Staff, Dec 27, 2018

Claudia’s life had never been easy. Her father died when she was only 8 years old, leaving her mother and grandmother to raise four kids. When the grandmother passed away too, Claudia’s mom quickly turned to drink, and their lives took a turn for the worse. By age 15, Claudia was pregnant, but her boyfriend was abusive, and she left him.

Then Claudia’s young son became very sick. For three months, he was unconscious in the hospital, teetering on the brink of death. When he finally woke up and slowly returned to health, Claudia was relieved and thanked God for sparing her son. Yet she was still desperately poor and struggled to provide for him. She looked and looked for work, but with just a sixth grade education, over and over again she was told no. At times money was so tight that Claudia was forced to beg for a single tortilla, which she and her son would share between them as their entire meal.

Just when things looked darkest, Claudia found refuge at Puerta de Esperanza (Door of Hope), a ministry started by MTW. What she found there radically changed her life.

MTW missionaries founded Puerta de Esperanza in 2011 to minister to the needs of impoverished and vulnerable single mothers in La Ceiba. The ministry serves as a temporary home for these hurting women and girls, helping to meet their immediate physical needs, but also equipping them to be self-sufficient for the future. The goal is that by the time they leave, each one would be financially independent, would know how to be a good mom, and would possess job skills to help support themselves and their child.

The missionaries at Puerta de Esperanza gave Claudia a place to lay her head, food on the table, and Christlike love. They helped her go to a beauty school and shared the good news of hope in Jesus with her. Now Claudia works in a nail salon, rents an apartment for herself and her young son, and attends a nearby Bible-believing church, where her son was just baptized.

This story is just one of many from MTW ministries working to empower impoverished women with economic opportunity and sharing with them the ultimate hope of Christ’s redeeming grace. This December, MTW’s year-end giving is focused on empowering the livelihood of women like Claudia. Will you join us and be a part of these church-driven efforts to empower women economically and reach them with the hope of the gospel?

Help change the lives of women around the world. Learn more or make a donation to the 2018 Year-End Gift: Empower Women’s Livelihood. Give now. 

Send the Next Generation
Project # P-0240
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Foreigners in a Familiar Land

Years of living in a foreign country gives you a perspective that is hard to articulate. You sometimes feel uncomfortable being Stateside.


Pray for our ministries in Honduras, impacted by severe lockdowns followed by two hurricanes.

Please pray for those in Honduras whose livelihoods have been devastated by the COVID-19 lockdown and for missionaries stepping up to meet their community's needs.

Pray today for Puerta de Esperanza (Door of Hope), which ministers to the needs of impoverished and vulnerable single mothers in La Ceiba, Honduras.

Pray that God would call pastors to serve at a Bible institute in Honduras, and elsewhere around the world. 

Pray for the team in Tegucigalpa, Honduras as they seek to plant gospel-driven, Reformed, self-sustainable churches that will multiply. 

Pray for first-year missionaries who can feel incompetent and overwhelmed as they begin ministry on the field.

Pray for the street boys involved in the Peter Project ministry and drop-in center in Honduras. Pray that the boys will develop a relationship with Christ, grow spiritually, and heal from the impact life's hardships.

Pray for current missionaries, future missionaries, sending churches, and donors to be willing to ask the question, "How could God use me?"

Pray for the orphaned and street children at The Peter Project. Pray for these beautiful boys to know the love of Christ and find refuge from the effects of poverty.

Pray for Brady and Umberto and other former gang members in La Ceiba, Honduras, to continue to walk with Christ and to stay away from gang life.


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