A Vision of Southeast Asia

By Conrad Reed, Mar 3, 2013
My wife and I met on a missions trip in 1992 and we have been blessed to serve together on short-term teams in South America, Central Asia, and South Asia. She serves as missions coordinator at our local church near Philadelphia. While our involvement in missions has been rewarding and encouraging, we have often observed that the interface between the local church and missionaries on the field does not reach its potential, leading to a sense of disconnectedness instead of shared mission. At times, we have even felt guilty that our engagement with missionaries doesn’t extend beyond reading their newsletters and writing checks.

When our church was invited to join the Southeast Asia Partnership, a strategic partnership of churches with a specific heart for Southeast Asia, we took this as a leading from God to develop more intimate relationships with missionaries on the field and to increase awareness of and excitement for missions in our church.

A Broader Perspective
Through this partnership I went on a vision trip with MTW. I’d participated in short-term missions trips before, which were typically task-oriented and in one location. By contrast, the vision trip provided a broader perspective on how God is working in an entire country or region, which challenged me to consider how to more strategically take part in God’s work.

Our team visited three countries in 11 days and we were excited by the varied ways God is working in each country. In two of the countries, we met with local denominational leaders and were privileged to hear the vision these leaders had for their nation. We witnessed very different needs in the third country, a nation where there was a more developed local church and established MTW missionaries serving on the field. It was encouraging to consider that a church in the U.S. could help bring these visions to reality—that the growth of the kingdom can benefit through a broader, more strategic approach.

Strengthening Relationships
The vision trip enabled us to build relationships with MTW missionaries and leadership, and with like-minded churches in the Southeast Asia Partnership. We gained greater insight into how God is leading in each of the countries we visited and how our church could contribute to transform lives through the gospel. I returned with three distinct but complementary thoughts: I was excited and challenged by God’s work in Southeast Asia; I was motivated for greater involvement in the partnership; and I was encouraged by the implications for my church and its members.

A vision trip helps lay the groundwork for ongoing engagement with the field that continues to build even after the vision trip is over. I’m thankful to have been a part of this trip, which represents just one brief chapter in the unfolding story of how God is working in Southeast Asia.

Conrad Reed is a physician and is involved in missions at Eternal Life Ministries, a Korean Presbyterian Church in Horsham, Penn.
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Cultivate a Culture of Missions in Your Church
Additional Trips
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Missions Training Internship in the Middle East
1–11 Months

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DAY 22: El Salvador: Pray that young people would hunger for the truth of the gospel. 

DAY 21: Pray that the Lord would raise up new workers in locations all over the world, including Australia/New Zealand/Pacific Islands, Japan, Mexico, the Middle East, and Slovakia, to name a few. 

DAY 20: France: Give thanks for the 50 years of Jean Calvin Seminary and its impact; pray for guidance in addressing the current decline in residential students. 

Give thanks to God for all He did through the Global Missions Conference! Please pray that conference attendees would take their next step in missions, be it multiplying, going, leading, caring, or giving.  

DAY 19: Pray for teams located in the Middle East who are striving to minister well to locals amid nearby fighting. 

DAY 18: Pray for God to raise up a new generation of pastors and church leaders for Japan. 

DAY 17: Pray for those in Turkey continuing to rebuild from last year's earthquake, and for continuation of the spiritual growth seen as a result. 

DAY 16: Pray for missionary kids who started college this fall, most in countries far away from their families and homes. Pray for encouragement through learning, community, and spiritual growth. 

DAY 15: Give thanks to God for the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who have come to faith over the last two decades. Pray for God to protect believers and draw more to Himself. 

DAY 14: Pray for a new movement of Reformed church growth to flourish in Rwanda and that churches will have wisdom and conviction as they navigate government regulations and restrictions. 


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