From Church to Family to School: A Chain Reaction in Southeast Asia

By Staff, Oct 4, 2018

At a church plant in Southeast Asia, a relative of one of the church members was having bad dreams. A church member shared with the woman the peace she could have if she turned to Christ. She eagerly accepted this good news and became a Christian. 

Right away the woman’s husband noticed the change in her life. The following week he too became a Christian. He is the school district superintendent for a district to the north. Because of his newfound faith and connection to this church plant, the MTW team was able to hold an English camp at one of his schools and allowed to share openly about Christ at the school. 

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On Mission Leadership Summit | October 31–Nov 1
Youth Ministry Leaders
Member Care Coordinator: Americas

A Parish Church Model in Thailand (VIDEO)

Trey was drawn to a ministry style where he could take his kids on walks and more easily get to know people in the community.


Anxious About Support Raising? Remember These 5 Things

Don’t let the fear of raising support keep you from pursuing a call to missions. It may not be easy, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t good.


Reformed and Covenantal: Why Doctrine Matters in Missions

Our mission is to make disciples, not Calvinists. But when poor theology twists the gospel of grace, solid doctrine is fundamental.


Pray for a new parish-style church in Bangkok, Thailand, where the missionaries and church members are able to live in close proximity to one another and more easily minister to the community around them. 

Pray for Freedom Ministries arm of MTW's work in Cambodia, providing a home for girls and young women rescued from trafficking. Pray that the girls who don't yet know Christ come to know Him.

Please pray that God would continue to work in the lives of refugee families we've built relationship with in Southeast Asia.

Give thanks and pray for a  remote tribe in a Muslim-majority country that is thriving and bearing fruit for the gospel.

Pray for the Japanese people, particularly that they would see that the beauty within brokenness—a very Japanese concept—is also a core message of the gospel.

Pray for the students from Ank'jeay, Cambodia, who are going to college in Phnom Penh, to stay connected to the Church there and make an impact for Christ. 

Pray for God's provision for missionaries raising support, and that they would remember that developing ministry partners is a ministry.

Pray for God to raise up missionaries to plant churches and teach theology in places where the gospel has been distorted.

Pray for the Wolof people in Senegal, identified as an unreached people group, as the gospel spreads through a new church plant.

Give thanks to God for the hundreds of thousands of Iranians who have come to faith over the last two decades. Pray for God to protect believers and draw more to Himself. 


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