7 Ways Your Church Can Pray for Missionaries

By Chelsea Rollman, Sep 3, 2024

As the primary sending body, it is important that churches regularly pray for missionaries they support and encourage their members to do the same. If missionaries are going to be effective kingdom agents, they need to be equipped and supported by the faithful prayers of their sending churches.

Here are ways your church and church members can organize prayer for your missionaries.

1. Make it a part of regular church gatherings.

Incorporate prayer for missionaries into the life of the church. Include missionary-specific prayer in your church’s gatherings including the worship service, Sunday school classes, Bible studies, youth group, and children’s ministry programs.

2. Host a special prayer event.

Make missionaries the focus. Organize special times of congregational prayer with a spotlight on specific missionaries whether it is a regular prayer meeting, an all-night prayer vigil, or a prayer emphasis week.

3. Write out prayers.

Have members write out prayers for missionaries and then send them to them. Think how this will encourage missionaries! It’s one thing to hear “I’m praying for you.” It’s quite another to read the words church members spoke to the Father on their behalf. This is a great way to bless those serving Christ around the world.

4. Adopt a missionary.

Assign each missionary to a staff person or member from the congregation who is responsible to pray regularly for the missionary. Take it a step further and ask them to commit to checking in with their adopted missionary on regular intervals, asking the missionary about specific needs and prayer requests, and offering a listening ear.

5. Communicate with the congregation through existing channels.

Make it easy! Communicate the missionary’s specific prayer requests and updates to your congregants in your regular communication channels—email, social media, church announcements, etc. The easier it is for members to know who to pray for and how to pray, the more likely they are to pray. Don’t make people dig—most won’t.

6. Visit your missionaries.

Yes—go see them! Send members from your church to visit the missionary for the purpose of encouraging and praying for them. It can be hard as a missionary to be away from your home country. On top of cultural struggles, it can feel like everyone else “back home” is moving on with their lives. Missionaries welcome tangible reminders that they are seen and not forgotten. Just be mindful to visit coordinate your trip with their schedule, space, and availability in mind and not your own.

7. Pray for them in person.

Encourage your members to meet and pray in-person with missionaries when they are in town on home ministry assignment. There is something powerful about face-to-face connection and showing love tangibly.

These seven simple yet impactful ways your church can uplift and support missionaries through prayer. Remember, your prayers are a lifeline, bridging the distance between your congregation and those serving on the frontlines of ministry. So whether you're gathering in a sanctuary, sending a heartfelt letter, or planning an encouraging visit, know that every prayer counts and makes a difference. May your efforts bring a smile to the faces of those who need it most! 

Want more? Read 9 Ways You Can Pray for Missionaries. Or check out Mission to the World’s weekly prayer list and other prayer resources.

Chelsea Rollman

Chelsea Rollman is a marketing specialist and staff writer at MTW. She formerly served as the girls’ discipleship coordinator at Village Seven in Colorado Springs, and as a marketing assistant at The White Horse Inn. Chelsea graduated from Covenant College in 2016 with her B.A. in English. She and her husband, Hudson, live in Jacksonville, Florida, and attend Christ Church Presbyterian where Hudson serves as the youth director.

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