A Church Planted in a South African Township (VIDEO)

By Tom Mills, Mar 29, 2022

In the Westlake community of Cape Town, South Africa, people live in extreme poverty, often building shacks on their government-issued property so they can rent out the housing they cannot afford. Susan Newkirk, a career missionary serving the community in Westlake village, working with Pastor Hendrik Janson and others, has seen the evolution of God's work in the community. They've been encouraged to see how something that started with a soccer ministry, and a girls Bible club, and a feeding program has grown to include women’s ministry, one-on-one discipleship, and now this church plant, the first Reformed church in the community. It’s happened organically. People now feel they're a part of something that’s right there in their community.

Tom Mills
Tom Mills is a content creator for Mission to the World. He is a graduate of Wheaton College. Tom loves meeting and interviewing believers all over the world, capturing stories of God's global church.
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Equip Church Planters
Campus Ministry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Central Asia Vision Trip | April 26-May 3
Mission Trips

Recapturing Universities for Christ in Cape Town, South Africa (VIDEO)

The McGintys connect with university students by offering seminars and community that lead to deeper relationships and faith discussions.


The Need for Discipleship in Africa (VIDEO)

As a pandemic rages throughout the continent, MTW Africa moves forward with a clear vision to transform the church through discipleship.


Mobilization Priorities for an Africa in Crisis (AUDIO)

The Church in Africa is growing rapidly, but corruption remains rampant. Where is the life-giving transformation of Christ? How can we help?


Pray for the growth and community of the Westlake village church plant and ministries of in Cape Town, South Africa.

Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.  

Pray for the women in a ladies' study in Cape Town, South Africa. Pray for courage and discernment to separate family rituals from biblical truth. 

Pray for our ministries in Africa, where many have come to expect broken systems and corruption. Pray that God would intervene and change hearts that would change communities.

Pray for Business As Mission efforts, particularly in parts of the world that is hard to reach with the gospel. Pray for courageous Christian entrepreneurs to live as gospel lighthouses. 

Pray for believers in Cape Town, South Africa, to understand the reality of salvation by grace alone. Pray for more leaders to be raised up to teach Reformed theology in Africa.

Pray that the agricultural training efforts of the Equipping Farming International ministry would make a way for pastors and churches in Africa and around the world to become self-supporting.

Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 

Pray for the newly formed RUF-G campus ministry in Senegal, for the university students, and the campus pastor in training. 

Pray for God to call men to lead new teams for MTW in Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, and Tanzania.


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