Chieko: A Life Transformed in Tokyo (VIDEO)

By Murray and Claire Rodger, Mar 8, 2022

Chieko Ozawa came to faith after being invited to a Bible study during a three-year stint in England. She fell in love with Christ and the Church, but her faith threatened her relationships with what she most loved. Her husband and mother were not supportive of her conversion to Christianity and she feared she might lose her marriage. She also feared she would never again be able to play her beloved koto, a Japanese harp-like instrument, she inherited from her grandmother. Because the instrument has its roots in Buddhism, Chieko was reluctant to play it at all after giving her life to Christ. Back in Tokyo, God led her to a new church, and a new understanding of her freedom in Christ, and she is now able to use the koto to share her love for God in an artistic way.

Murray and Claire Rodger are missionary filmmakers serving with MTW. 

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Art, Music, Mission
Evangelistic English Ministry
Pastoral Interns
1–11 Months

Story Shorts: Japan & Ukraine

A Japanese woman finds hope amid brokenness, and Ukrainian students familiar with war consider the reality of Christ's sacrifice.


Defying Gravity: 10 Churches in 10 Years in Tokyo

In the wake of the 2011 tsunami, amid historical barriers to Christianity, Grace City Church Tokyo planted 10 churches within a decade.


The Bridge of Dance: How Ballet Became a Surprising Gateway to Faith in Japan

I was eager to serve on an MTW summer internship. But I had not expected God would call me to share my faith through dance.


Give thanks for those God is drawing to Himself around the world, particularly a Japanese who feared she was too broken to be fixed, and several Ukrainian students who are exploring faith in Christ.

Give thanks and pray for a couple in Japan who recently came to faith as they faced the last days of the husband's life.

Pray for believers in Tokyo, Japan, to grow in their faith, and pray for their loved ones to come to know Christ.

Pray for MTW Japan as they grow and expand, transitioning some churches to new leadership and planting in new areas. 

Pray for children in Japan who are attending Christian school and influencing their families for Jesus. 

Pray for the U.S. church to send workers to Japan where less than 0.5% of people are Christians.

Pray that God would use our Japan teams to open the hearts of the Japanese to God’s presence and love for them.

Pray for Tim Mills (Thailand), Abi Lowther & Roger Lowther (Japan), Joe Congdon (Japan), and Shannon Hinkle (Australia) as they all use their artistic gifts to support the Church in gospel outreach, mercy ministry, and community building.

Pray for the Japanese to realize that money, health, education, and material possessions do not satisfy the human heart.

Pray for those who are coming to faith in Japan. Pray that they would find their identity in Christ and grow strong in Him. 


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