International Director Victor Nakah and His Vision for Africa: A Video

By Tom Mills, Jan 22, 2018

Victor Nakah is MTW’s new international director for sub-Saharan Africa. Victor and his wife Nosizo—who are native to Zimbabwe—represent MTW’s growing emphasis on national leadership. Nakah’s powerful vision for Africa and a 27-year background in ministry and leadership, made him an ideal fit for this critical role.

Victor is concerned for the Church in Africa. The adage “a mile wide and an inch deep” is true. “Africa has become a continent of contradictions,” Victor said. “On the one hand you have one of the fastest growing Churches in the world in Africa … and yet the same countries are very high on the corruption index.” Because missions in Africa has focused on evangelism over discipleship, the faith of the Church in Africa is dangerously shallow.

Watch as Victor shares both his concern and his vision for Africa, and learn more about how God can use us to help shift Africa’s future. 

Help play a role in transforming Africa by becoming a ministry partner for Victor & Nosizo Nakah. Learn more or donate online. 

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Campus Ministry in Sub-Saharan Africa
Equip Church Planters
Belize Summer Teams
Mission Trips

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As quarantines continue, people are beginning to starve. MTW missionaries, acting as the hands and feet of Christ, are responding.


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Pray for missionaries in Malawi as they begin the work of planting Christ Presbyterian Church. 

Pray for growth of the new Bible study started recently in Malawi. The goal is that a core group of families will grown into a new church plant.

In Zimbabwe, pray for rural pastors gathering for monthly theological training.

Pray for the church in Zimbabwe and the new growth being fostered through the work of national missionaries there.

Pray for the Church in Africa to deepen and for African believers to live holy lives in accordance with God's Word.  

Pray that the agricultural training efforts of the Equipping Farming International ministry would make a way for pastors and churches in Africa and around the world to become self-supporting.

Pray for the church plant in Uganda and the many lives being changed there as people hear the the gospel of grace clearly for the first time. 

Pray for the newly formed RUF-G campus ministry in Senegal, for the university students, and the campus pastor in training. 

Pray for God to call men to lead new teams for MTW in Rwanda, DRC, Burundi, and Tanzania.

Pray for the growth and community of the Westlake village church plant and ministries of in Cape Town, South Africa.


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