South Sudanese Refugee Project
Africa | Project # 95944
Refugees: People on the move, who have lost their homes because of long civil conflict. People without a way to earn income to support themselves and their families. People who need to know there is a God who sees them and offers hope.
MTW Uganda serves in the Kiryandongo refugee settlement in central Uganda in partnership with the leadership of the Presbyterian Church of South Sudan and the South Sudan Christian International Fund for Refugees (SSCIFR). What began simply as emergency financial support has evolved to address the long-term needs of the refugees in Kiryandongo.
Here, God is working through the Church to care for the physical and spiritual needs of the fatherless, the widow, and the refugee—to mend relationships broken by war, and to draw many into the lasting hope offered in Christ.
Your gifts to this project will help the Ugandan Church extend the hope of the gospel to those who desperately need it.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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