South Asia Seminary Field Account
Asia - South | Project # 82695
It’s hard to find solid, practical ministry training in South Asia. In fact, the seminary we work with there is the only Reformed institution in the region offering the accredited degrees of B.Th. and M.Div. (with plans to offer an M.Th. degree soon). Established in 1969, it serves as the primary training institution for at least half a dozen broadly evangelical denominations in South Asia.
The student body presently numbers around 100 men and women from India, Nepal, and several other Asian countries. They receive training from an evangelical and Reformed perspective, with a strong emphasis on practical ministry skills. Many go on to become church planters, pastors, teachers, evangelists, and youth workers throughout South Asia.
Your generous giving will ensure that students with financial needs are able to attend, that facilities and staff are maintained, and that the seminary can continue serving as a powerful catalyst for the growth of the kingdom in South Asia and beyond.

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Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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