La Fuente Centro de Salud Integral
Americas - South | Project # 94777
Restored: New Sight for Cusco
The eye clinic at La Fuente Centro de Salud Integral in Cusco, Peru, is busy. Dr. Nathan Henson and his team take care of over 15,000 patients per year in one of the most impoverished areas of the world. Many of those patients arrive at the clinic blind and having lost hope. For some of those patients, a simple 20-minute operation can take them from a life of darkness and confusion to perfectly restored vision. It seems like a miracle but it’s something that by God’s grace the team can accomplish. Restoring vision restores hope, and restored hope together with the good news of God’s love restores lives. With your help the team can make this miracle a reality for many more people.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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