Sierra Leone Theological Training
Africa | Project # P-0356
A revitalization of a Presbyterian denomination is being established in Sierra Leone and it is our great privilege to partner with the Church there. They have invited us to assist their efforts by providing guidance, oversight, and support. This is a war-torn, Ebola-ravaged area of the world, and there has been a great loss of past church leadership. So pastoral training is particularly needed for this presbytery to thrive.
Space has been identified to hold pastoral training classes and they expect to begin offering MINTS courses as soon as travel allows.
Donations will allow them to renovate and furnish the space as well as to cover the school’s operational costs. Through your gifts, pastors will be discipled and equipped, and a strong, healthy presbytery will be established in the country.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
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