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Agricultural Development & Training - Africa

Africa | Project # P-0339


Poverty is widespread in rural West Africa and many people struggle to grow enough food to feed their families. If people learn how to farm in better ways and can increase their crop yields, they can become more food secure and also have extra disposable resources for the work of the kingdom in their communities.

Our West Africa team is developing an agricultural development program where pairs of local and international trainers will be deployed across the region, teaching more profitable farming methods. Not only will individual families benefit, but churches will have an increased witness in their local communities. And we trust it will bring opportunities to plant churches in new locations.

Your gifts will provide scholarship funds to send team members to Zimbabwe to participate in their foundational training. They will also provide seed money to cover costs for the first series of regional training trips. We hope to have eight teams train 480 families from 40 communities in eight African countries during the first year.