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Teranga Village

Africa | Project # P-0587


Teranga is a Wolof word meaning “hospitality” or “welcoming generosity.” In 2013, the Presbyterian Church of Senegal (EPS) began a ministry home for young girls at risk of becoming child brides or being sold into domestic or sex trafficking—a place where they live and grow, hear the gospel, and are nurtured in their faith. Presently, this home cares for 37 girls but is situated in a densely populated community in Dakar. It is the EPS’s desire to relocate the home to a rural community where the national church owns a seven-acre site. This will establish a more expansive, village-style environment for the girls that will allow them more space for play and for agricultural work that can support the ministry internally. It will also situate this ministry in a strategic area where the unreached Wolof people live and where a current EPS/MTW church planting work has begun to reach them.

Teranga Village will embody both the rich cultural tradition of Senegalese hospitality and the rich gospel tradition of serving the least, last, and lost in Jesus’ name. To start, it will include four family-styled cottages that will house nine girls and a housemother. It is the EPS’s hope that in the future Teranga Village can be expanded to accommodate more girls in need and to share the love and hope of Christ with them.

Your gifts will support the construction and expansion of the Teranga Village.