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Member Care & Development Strategic Funds

Global | Project # 99930


Not long ago, an MTW missionary family was serving in a notoriously crime-ridden city in Central America. Over time, overcome by anxiety and fear of the very real threat of violence, the husband became unable to sleep and unable to function. His health, family, and ministry were suffering as a result. Seeing what was happening, he called an MTW Member Care counselor.

Over several Skype sessions, she was able to teach him specific techniques he could use to manage his anxiety. And it helped! The care and tools provided enabled the missionary to thrive in a very difficult environment and to resume his ministry of shining the light of Christ in a dark place.

MTW Member Care provides the care and assistance that our people need in order to faithfully live out their callings in stressful cross-cultural environments. We want to see our missionaries not just surviving, but thriving in their relationships with God, their families, their teams, and those to whom they minister.

In order to meet the needs of our large missionary force, MTW has recently begun to build a Global Member Care Network. This strategic plan allows MTW missionaries in each region of the world to develop their own member care teams to address the particular needs of their field. Your gift will help equip these member care teams with training and a toolbox of resources including books, conferences, and courses, as well as in-house counselors. We believe that making Member Care resources readily available and easily accessible will help our workers thrive and serve effectively in their ministries for the long haul.

Will you give to support MTW’s Global Member Care Network? Thank you for your generosity and your unwavering commitment to caring for our missionaries, and by doing so, helping advance the kingdom of God.