MAKE Collective
Global | Project # 96232
The MAKE Collective is an initiative among MTW creatives that helps them become part of international church-planting movements through cultural engagement, creative thinking, and artistic excellence. MAKE is immersed in the center of global culture, bearing witness to the Lord’s reconciliation of all things to Himself on this cultural stage. From a position of humility and transparency, MAKE artists are creative ambassadors who reflect grace and build intentional relationships through the making and exposition of marks of beauty, truth and transcendence—toward the creation and facilitation of worshipping communities.
You can participate in the work of MAKE in several ways: Praying consistently for our artists and their pastors, dropping a note of encouragement to [email protected], requesting a visit from one of the MAKE catalysts, subscribing to our newsletter, and/or donating to Project #96232.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
[email protected]
Donor Advised Fund Portal
Circle Portal