Latin America Training Facilitator
Americas - Central , Americas - South | Project # P-0116
God is raising up new leaders and new churches in South and Central America. This is an open door of opportunity for church growth—yet these new leaders require training to become godly, mature believers who know how to facilitate healthy churches. Getting that training is often a problem: it’s either not available or not affordable for most.
This project funds a mobile training facilitator who works alongside missionaries and local leaders throughout Central and South America to disciple and train pastors, ministerial candidates, elders, and deacons. Leaders are trained using the integration of biblical and theological studies, hands-on ministry experience, and one-on-one discipleship through personal visits and online accountability.
Project funds will cover the facilitator’s salary, travel expenses, and training materials. Your generous gifts will ensure that healthy Reformed, gospel-centered churches will flourish and grow throughout Central and South America.

1600 North Brown Rd
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
United States
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