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Native Pastors Gathering

Americas - North | Project # P-0267


Ministry is difficult for most Native pastors. Suicide, domestic and gang violence, alcoholism, illicit and prescription drug abuse, and sexual abuse rank the highest among Native people groups. Resistance to the "white-man's gospel" is an ever-present reality. Yet too many pastors do not have any significant biblical or theological training, nor the resources or time to go to traditional seminaries. Most are bi-vocational. Many become discouraged and burn out quickly.

The Native Pastors Gathering is an annual event at the Twin Lakes Conference Center in Florence, Mississippi, for Native pastors and their wives from the U.S. and Canada. For three days they receive rest, refreshment, and resources to better feed their flocks and grow their churches. All attendees receive solid biblical and theological study resources, including an in-depth introduction to Thirdmill seminary-level curriculum, which we hope many will choose to continue after the event.

Your support, offsetting the costs for the event, will build up Native pastors and strengthen Native churches by providing our missionaries opportunities to befriend, train, and partner with those on the front lines of ministry in Indian country. Visit to learn more.